Monday 9 March 2009

Weekend in Pattaya

We spent the last three days at the beautiful Rabbit Resort in Pattaya. We had never gone to Pattaya before in our four+ years here (and had kind of been avoiding it since it has a reputation for its seedy nightlife), but some friends had recommended the resort. It is only a two-hour drive from Bangkok, and it's close to the best zoo in the area - perfect for a family with a new baby. 

We had a lovely time. I spent most of the high-sun hours inside with Leif, but we took some nice walks in the Baby Bjorn and naps by the pool. Kaj was bolder than ever with his swimming, and he and Tom collected sand dollars and starfish on the beach during low tide. 

No one ever told me getting lovely pictures takes so much effort with two kids! I don't mean getting them to look at the camera;  I mean simply carrying a camera to dinner and not having get wrecked en route or forgotten about due to other distractions! Moving on but related to this photo... Sometimes when I'm nursing Leif, Kaj will come sit by us on the sofa, and I  say affectionately, "My two boys," while giving them both a snuggle.  Kaj now likes to recreate these moments at the most inopportune times, like in restaurants when I'm trying to nurse modestly while eating with one hand. We made it work here, but barely!

Lounging by the pool

1 comment:

Donna said...

Hi Diana,
Your children are beautiful. I am a friend of your mother. Can you tell me which organization you went through to teach in Thailand? I am considering an overseas experience.