Saturday 31 January 2009

One week and counting...

At our last visit to the OB/GYN before the C-section scheduled for next Saturday morning, we had to make sure everything was squared away with someone in admissions. Part of the process involves the viewing of several room options on a computer screen. As Tom and I confirmed the regular room would be just fine, Kaj added "Kaj put the Pack n' Play right there," as he pointed to the open area in the corner. Apparently, he either equates the hospital a hotel, or he wants in on the action! On the way home, we revisited the scenario in the book the Stroms gave us, "Waiting for Baby," where Grandma and Grandpa come to stay while Mom and Dad are at the hospital. I am really looking forward to little man's first meeting with baby brother. It's maybe the part of next weekend I'm looking forward to the most!
This photo's not the greatest, but I wanted to share Tom and Kaj's creation that has been a huge hit around our place this week (with Ella the cat as well). Mom, I know you wanted to see this...


nora said...

Di - thinking about you lots! My favorite moment of both babies, was them getting to meet their siblings. It did help to have the newest sibling miraculously arrive with a cookie! Julia still talks about that.

Lots of good thoughts going your way!

Jenia said...

We're glad the book is coming in handy, and can't wait to meet Little Boy Larsen (tom--want to give us any hints on the name?!?:))

We hope the three of you have a wonderful week preparing and anticipating!!!