Friday, 8 April 2011

Leif turns Two (and two months)!

This may be a bit after the fact, but I definitely don't want to miss my opportunity to celebrate the youngest (and perhaps most easygoing) of the Larsens of Raven Street. Leif turned two on February 7 and celebrated in style, complete with the requested Yoda cake, with family from Iowa City, Edina, Minneapolis and down the road in Lone Tree.

Leif, you are a sweet, loving, beautiful boy,
and we are so happy to have you in our lives.

Before you were born we tried to figure out who you most resembled...

And were so happy to meet you on the morning of February 7, 2009.

You were greeted by this image of downtown Bangkok out the hospital room window...

...and this image from the side of mom's bed.
Your big brother has been your number-one fan since day one.
Not every kid gets to share a birthday with his Grandpa...
on his actual BIRTH day.
(That's what a breech presentation/planned C-section can get you...
an accurate, time-sensitive cake.)
The whole family celebrated you on your first birthday...
...and your second. (You were more into it this year.)

Happy 2nd Birthday, Leif Peder. We love you!

(Notice you're wearing the same soccer jersey as Kaj did
on the day he met you in the last photo.)

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