We were so happy some of our favorite folks, The Stroms of Minneapolis, made the trip south to Iowa City to see us and hang out for a long weekend. Let's see...what did we do... this is why I should have written this WHILE THEY WERE HERE! I am left with a lovely impression, but let's see how I do with the recall...

A few highlights -
*Sunday school and the service with FOUR four-and-unders in one pew. NOT recommended, by the way, if you're going for compliance and calm.
* The Iowa City Children's Museum - lots of time on "The Farm"
* A 40-minute moms-only workout in preparation for our Get Lucky 7K, which is just around the corner!!!
*Story time at the IC library with the dads while Jenia composed brilliant curriculum at the Java House and I made sense of the Iowa Core Curriculum with a bunch of colleagues.
* A lunchtime meet-up at The Wedge for pizza before going our separate ways again.
* And just hanging out. See below...
Siri has a method is mind...it seems to work!
I am Annie, part Viking Queen, part Jedi! Pick your poison.
"Mommy, Jenia's snake charmer." (Not really, but it could have been...)
CUTE x 2!
Scratch that - CUTE x 4!
"Daddy Book Time"
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