I love your music word wall! I've made some word wall cards to put up during the work days when we return next week, but now I'm considering your idea of categorizing them by grade level. Would you be willing to share your file or just the list? Thank you, Lee♫
I agree with everyone else! I would love for you to share your word wall file. That is amazing and so easy to use for parents, administrators and kids! Are you willing to share the file?
I agree. I would love for you to share your file or even just the list. It is amazing and perfect for parents, kids, teachers and adminstrators to see what we do (besides play)!!!
Hi Diana, is the link to your word wall still active? I have tried opening the links you have shared but have been unsuccessful. :( Could you please share it again? Your word wall is amazing!!!! :)
Oh, your room is AMAZING. I would LOVE to find the time to make mine look this way!!!
Could you PLEASE post your word list link again? I assume the one you have on here only lasts for so long, because both links are no longer available. :(
I love your music word wall! I've made some word wall cards to put up during the work days when we return next week, but now I'm considering your idea of categorizing them by grade level. Would you be willing to share your file or just the list?
Thank you,
Holy cow! Your room is beautiful! I am insanely jealous of your windows. Good job!
I also love your word wall. I put it on my blog for inspiration!
I agree with Lee you have got to share your words list or the file for that amazing word wall!!! I am putting one up in my room this year!!
Please, please, please would you share your music word wall list or file???
I agree with everyone else! I would love for you to share your word wall file. That is amazing and so easy to use for parents, administrators and kids! Are you willing to share the file?
I agree. I would love for you to share your file or even just the list. It is amazing and perfect for parents, kids, teachers and adminstrators to see what we do (besides play)!!!
Thanks, all! I have posted the SMART Notebooks here - http://www.edline.net/pages/Borlaug_Elementary_School/Classes/1155a_1/Terms_to_Know_and_Use
Feel free to modify as needed. Enjoy!
Thank you so much!
Thank you sooo much!
I am trying to see your file for the word wall and it is not pulling up. Can anyone help?
Your Word Wall is phenomenal!! Would you be willing/able to share it through Google Docs?
Your word wall is phenomenal!! Would you be willing/able to share it through Google Docs?
I am having trouble opening the link you posted. Is there something I am doing wrong?
Does the link still work? It doesn't seem to open for me. Amazing word wall!!
A new link - I'm glad others find it useful!
Hi Diana, is the link to your word wall still active? I have tried opening the links you have shared but have been unsuccessful. :( Could you please share it again? Your word wall is amazing!!!! :)
Would you please share your word wall file with me? I tried the links you've provided but wasn't able to open the file. Thank you!
I love your word wall and have tried to open the different links you have created and none of them work :(
Oh, your room is AMAZING. I would LOVE to find the time to make mine look this way!!!
Could you PLEASE post your word list link again? I assume the one you have on here only lasts for so long, because both links are no longer available. :(
Sorry, everybody! I have now updated the link to: https://sites.google.com/site/dianahawleylarsenmusiceducator/more-resources-for-teachers
Thank You!! I'm so excited to use this for my word wall!
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