Tom and I have been noticing lately just how much fun the boys have together at this stage. Kaj has trained Leif :) to hide behind one of the bigger chairs in our living room as soon as they hear me coming up the stairs after school. If the house is silent, I know I am supposed to try to find them. One of these days they'll learn to try under the table every now and then. We'll save the lesson on hide-and-seek tactics for a later date. Until then, keep snuggling behind the chair, and I'll pretend I don't see you.

And then there are other times...
This side-by-side, Sesame Street watching lasted all of five minutes before they insisted on having their own chairs. I think I caught this at 4:59. Notice Leif starting to turn...

Leif loves to snuggle close and stay warm after baths. Lately he has decided that he needs EVERY towel in sight wrapped around him during his transition to PJs. And while we're on pajamas, his favorites are flannel blue footies with white stars all over them. He calls the his "Star Wars PJs," of course.

Baths typically happen right after dinner around here, and if Kaj doesn't move quickly enough, Leif will run down the hall calling out the theme for the evening. Typical outbursts include either "Pirate Bath" (a foam set they got from Santa) or "Barber Shop" (see above).
Today was "Share Day" at Kinderfarm, and Kaj decided to bring one of the Vikings from his (formerly Tom's) collection. Only after school today did Tom and I question whether sending a sharp-horned little dude to preschool was the right move. Hopefully his teacher wasn't rolling her eyes at us, the checked-out parents!
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