Monday, 27 December 2010


We have just wrapped up our weekend of Christmas celebrations. Whew!
Filtering didn't go so well, so get ready for a LONG post, primarily of photos... and in reverse order. Will I ever learn?
KinderLarsen, the newest preschool in Iowa City
and the stockings were hung by the chimney with care...
Fruit soup!
Tom made sticky buns with pistachios - what a shame. :)
Kaj + glitter = quite a mess
Quality assurance looking on
Our view of a winter wonderland from the reading chair
Peaceful cat nap in progress
the tree
the snow
Christmas morning
a water bottle for Dad from Leif
socks from Kaj
Grandpa Hawley sporting a Farmall hat
this bores me, says Mingus
This season of gift giving at the Larsen's was brought to you by the
Pirate Marketing Campaign of 2010 - Arghhh!
The remnants of Santa's cookies and milk
Lucky Uncle Doug got to see the big man himself -
hopefully that offsets being assigned the futon
the boys' new puppet theater in the door frame from Santa
full of goodies - well, at least toiletries
best of 10, I kid you not
Grandma Hawley with the Leif man
Yoda + Elmo slippers (both Leif's, I must add) + sleepy big brother = darn cute
notice the hair cut - quite a bit shorter
"Big Doda!"
later to be referred to as "Doda Mommy"
wasting no time
the tie went on 8 minutes before the church service started 8 minutes away
the best call on my part? maybe not, but seriously adorable
rockin' the clip-on
tracking Santa on the NORAD site
it's ALMOST ready, I swear
the dinner table(s)
Christmas elf or Tom?
of BOTH???

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