My favorite moments of the weekend include
1) Kaj leaning into Leif, giving him a big hug while saying, "I love you, Leif." Leif beamed from ear to ear and didn't even fall over.
2) Leif seeing a big, relatively spooky picture of a skeleton on the front of a book and pointing and saying, "Dada." :)
3) Kaj telling another 3-year-old at Aunt Mary's birthday party that he was "three and three nickels."
I've pulled together some recent photos to share of the boys and their daily adventures.

Leif discovered Kaj's hat, had a little trouble getting it on his head, and found that when he brought it to mom or dad, they would put it on his head for him. For a usually hat-resistant kid, he loves this John Deere cap!

Mr. Smiley before bed
They LOVE the hose
Kaj's physics demonstration/homemade sprinkler, frame 1
frame 2
frame 3
Leif watering the bushes (or possibly his shoes)
Operation Camp Out, Take 2 (The first night Kaj was too "distwacted by the sounds oustide") The did make it until morning the following night.
A common sight
Kaj playing with cousin Jericho
Leif and Jonus
They boys playing with play dough
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