Monday, 27 December 2010


We have just wrapped up our weekend of Christmas celebrations. Whew!
Filtering didn't go so well, so get ready for a LONG post, primarily of photos... and in reverse order. Will I ever learn?
KinderLarsen, the newest preschool in Iowa City
and the stockings were hung by the chimney with care...
Fruit soup!
Tom made sticky buns with pistachios - what a shame. :)
Kaj + glitter = quite a mess
Quality assurance looking on
Our view of a winter wonderland from the reading chair
Peaceful cat nap in progress
the tree
the snow
Christmas morning
a water bottle for Dad from Leif
socks from Kaj
Grandpa Hawley sporting a Farmall hat
this bores me, says Mingus
This season of gift giving at the Larsen's was brought to you by the
Pirate Marketing Campaign of 2010 - Arghhh!
The remnants of Santa's cookies and milk
Lucky Uncle Doug got to see the big man himself -
hopefully that offsets being assigned the futon
the boys' new puppet theater in the door frame from Santa
full of goodies - well, at least toiletries
best of 10, I kid you not
Grandma Hawley with the Leif man
Yoda + Elmo slippers (both Leif's, I must add) + sleepy big brother = darn cute
notice the hair cut - quite a bit shorter
"Big Doda!"
later to be referred to as "Doda Mommy"
wasting no time
the tie went on 8 minutes before the church service started 8 minutes away
the best call on my part? maybe not, but seriously adorable
rockin' the clip-on
tracking Santa on the NORAD site
it's ALMOST ready, I swear
the dinner table(s)
Christmas elf or Tom?
of BOTH???

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

"March" to Madison

Last weekend we made our second annual trip to Madison, WI to see niece Annika dance in the Madison Ballet's Nutcracker. We also took this opportunity to celebrate Christmas with the Reiks a week early. Aunt Sara pulled a few strings, and Santa agreed to stop by for a visit. Well done!
Leif admiring the "Missmiss lights,"
Annika ready to jump in should he decide to start climbing
What! A cute, posed photo of two of my favorite people!?! No grimaces/silly faces from Kaj?
I don't quite know what to say...
Yeah, right. Keep dreaming, Abbey!
mini-lesson from "Tintin"
Kaj is all about drawing, writing, building, making crafts, etc. these days. I love seeing the crazy stuff he comes up with.
No, this is not your typical scene.
This is what Chris taking his work home with him looks like.
*This is a pig heart - don't call the police.
"More again, Tintin!"
Someone's been raiding Annika's closet
"guht-cwak-eh" (audio version much, much cuter)
"Bum bumbumbum bum bum bum bum bum"


Monday, 1 November 2010

Halloween Weekend

WARNING: My ability to edit a group of photos down to a reasonable number of "favorites" has proven impossible due to a fascination with green face paint. Continue at your own risk...

Bobbing for apples
We have a winner!
Annika, party co-planner extraordinaire!

Faun, Queen of Darkness (and Face Paint!)
Serious Franken-Pirate
Startled Franken-Pirate
Charming Franken-Pirate
Seriously, another photo?
The Cousins @ 20 and 19 months
"Witches' Brew with Brains and Owl Eyes"
"Blood Curdling Devil's Food"
"Finger Food"
"Roasted Jack-O-Lantern"
"Night Crawlers and Bat Terds"
"Chunky Cat Barf" (I literally gagged as I ate this...the image was too strong. Yuck!)
"Spoooky Cooookies"

Sunny, Annie and Annika went all out, CLEARLY!
...and of course, the actual evening of Halloween we couldn't get a shot of the boys to save our lives! Leif was happier handing out candy than dealing with mysterious creatures (although he didn't seem to mind Tom and Kaj's skeleton scarecrow on the left). My favorite Leif phrase of the season? "All done spooky guy!"