Sunday, 28 August 2011

End of August in the IC

What have we been up to? (other than being back to school and settling into the work-home balance once again)It's been very dry in Iowa these last few weeks, and our (OK, Tom's) garden is not pleased. Yet we still find new veggies each trip out there. Tonight we added some lovely squash to our spaghetti and turkey meatballs. The boys find eating their vegetables a lot more fun when they've helped pick them. Garden, don't quit on me now!
The flowers may have peaked, but we still have a few beauties.
Tom has split the hostas again and has created what will be a very lush bed
next summer in our front yard.

ACK! Kaj, that's going to be WAY too spicy!!!
Gotcha, Mom. :)
My Grandma Marguerite came through Iowa City with my Uncle Dan on Thursday and ended up staying overnight with us. We had a blast! While I was working on dinner, I found her a chair where the boys were playing in our family room, came back a few minutes later and found...
...her at the organ at the other corner of the room. Somehow Amba made her way over there without her cane, which appears to have been commandeered by Kaj
(see screen right).
Love these neighborhood boys... a little toast with Nutella was a huge hit!

Monday, 15 August 2011


Our lovely neighbors, Chris, Carol, Zachary and Zoe, invited us to join them at Wetherby Park last night for what is clearly a favorite pastime for their family - launching rockets. Tom had some fun with our camera's action shot feature and managed to capture some great sequences.

Get ready...
Get set...
Blast off!

Heads up!
I swear they were having fun! Leif kept saying, "Cover your ears, Mom."
Until recently, Chris spent his days working on the Juno project,
so clearly we were in good hands. What a treat!

into the corn

Iowa corn in August+missing rocket=long gone
half the fun is trying to catch the descending rocket