Bobbing for apples
We have a winner!
Annika, party co-planner extraordinaire!
Faun, Queen of Darkness (and Face Paint!)
Serious Franken-Pirate
Startled Franken-Pirate
Charming Franken-Pirate
Seriously, another photo?
The Cousins @ 20 and 19 months
"Witches' Brew with Brains and Owl Eyes"
"Blood Curdling Devil's Food"
"Finger Food"
"Roasted Jack-O-Lantern"
"Night Crawlers and Bat Terds"
"Chunky Cat Barf" (I literally gagged as I ate this...the image was too strong. Yuck!)
"Spoooky Cooookies"
Sunny, Annie and Annika went all out, CLEARLY!
...and of course, the actual evening of Halloween we couldn't get a shot of the boys to save our lives! Leif was happier handing out candy than dealing with mysterious creatures (although he didn't seem to mind Tom and Kaj's skeleton scarecrow on the left). My favorite Leif phrase of the season? "All done spooky guy!"