Call me crazy, but I drove the kids up to Edina ALONE after my last half-day of school for a little extra time with my folks while giving Tom the chance to get some work done without the three biggest distractions around!

Leif and Siri having a quick chat

They'd better build a four-head option for 2011, or we'll have two grumpy
two-year-olds on our hands!

Annie and Kaj loved this - Note to self: Don't send new walker
into fake log unless you intend to follow him on your hand and knees.

Natalia and her Barbie Jeep live next door to my folks. She and Kaj have a lot of fun together!

Watch out, Byerly's shoppers! The Larsens are at the wheel, I mean wheels!

Leif's little beaver grin in quickly disappearing. More teeth appearing daily!

What have you been up to?

Live it up, kid!

Di & Kaj - that's right, we rhyme.

I think there's a