We've been busy baking at our place and at Grandma and Grandpa Larsen's in preparation for the coming festivities (Thank you, TWO snow days!). Here Kaj and Leif were hanging out in the front window, one more literally than the other.
Even though it's imperfect, I love how this photo captured Leif's adorable profile. He has the sweetest cheeks! And I wish I could say I intentionally mismatched his socks, but they were simply the first two cozy ones I saw in his drawer. Digging for a matched pair is not a high priority before school during the week!

No big hills required, just a little momentum.

Making Kringler with the resident expert in these parts...
No amount of crazy dancing and face-making could get the younger member to crack a smile. Apparently layers of puffy garments lead to a less-than-pleased baby.