Tom and I have enjoyed a relaxing morning at the hospital getting to know Leif. While of course he is his own little person, it is hard to not compare him to Kaj when he was a newborn. Leif is smaller - just over 7 lbs - and quieter - so far! - which may have to do with his coming out a bit early, since this was a planned C-section. The quiet thing may change, we realize...
I'm thrilled that his being fed in the nursery for his first 30 hours of life hasn't diminished his appetite for nursing. We're both getting into the swing of things (I'm a little rusty) together, and I know I will enjoy this time together with him many times a day (and night) for the next year.
Tom has noticed that Leif settles down as soon as he starts singing one of the many songs in his repertoire. I think he will fit in quite well in our household!
A proud dad

Tom and his mom, Sunny - aka Grandma Larsen

We got a birthday cake for Leif and Grandpa Larsen who now share a February 7 birthday!

Tiny baby feet

Kaj wanted to "tickle Leif's hair"

this is uncharted territory...

Here Kaj is giving Leif a koala bear he made for him at the Build-A-Bear Factory. When you squeeze its paw, Kaj's recorded voice says, "I love you, baby brother." This was a big deal for him!

Tom and I have not been able to replicate the nursery staff's swaddling method - we'll ask for a lesson later.

Kaj liked the cake, but loved the balloons!