Over our long weekend (thanks to the King's birthday) we traveled to Rayong with our friends, the Udagawas. A retired ISB teacher owns a condo right on the beach with enough room for two families, so we decided to give it a try. What a beautiful place! Emina and Kaj played on the beach many times everyday, and the adults got to enjoy the amazing view from the living room during their nap times.
Here's a good shot of my 7-month-pregnant belly. This little guy seems even more active than Kaj was, as I recall, but I suppose I could be simply more aware of the sensation. Lots of bladder kicking going on these days, so I'm up at least once in the night. Overall, I am feeling really good, yet increasingly ready to have #2 on the
outside. At the same time, I am not wishing away the next two months. We're really looking forward to visits from our families, and Kaj is getting very excited for Christmas. He's getting a train set from Santa, which Tom and I set up in its entirety last night on the dining room table. We think he'll like it now and come to love it in the coming months and years.

At the end of Kaj's usual nap time one day I peeked my head in the door to see if he was stirring. Not only was he wide awake, he was doing these ab crunches depicted above. I was so entertained a called everyone in, and Emina decided to join Kaj in the pack and play for a bit.

Here is Kentaro reading to Emina and Kaj after nap time.

On the way home from Rayong we stopped at the Khao Kiaw Zoo, about 1.5 hours outside of Bangkok. Here Kaj is craning his neck to see a bird that seems to be peeking its head out of the top of the enclosure.